But do you know what is? And why so many around
the world celebrate it? There are two strands to
Vaisakhi, and it is a popular celebration around India, as it marks the start
of the Punjabi New Year. Luckily we’ve put together a handy guide, to provide
you with a breakdown of what it is, what the origins are, and the ways in which
you can get involved.
What is it?
Vaisakhi also known as Baisakhi, takes place
each year on either 12th or 3th April. There are two different elements to
Vaisakhi; firstly it refers to the harvest festival in the Punjab region of
India, and secondly it marks the day that Sikhism was born as a collective
faith in 1699. This day is also observed by the farming community of Punjab as
day of giving thanks and paying tribute to God for their abundant harvest and
praying for future prosperity.
What are the origins?

celebrations in Amritsar (Picture: Getty Images)

celebrations in Amritsar (Picture: Getty Images)
Vaisakhi is important for the Sikh community, as
this day marks the establishment of the Khalsa, which is the collective body of
baptised Sikhs. In 1699 Vaisakhi took on a special meaning for the Sikh
community, when the tenth guru – Guru Gobind Singh invited his disciples to
join him in the city of Anandpur Sahib.
During this gathering the Khalsa Panth was
established (the community of committed Sikhs) and at Vaisakhi each year those
ready to join the Khalsa are baptised. The word ‘Khalsa’ means pure, and to
join, Sikhs must undergo the initiation known as the Amrit ceremony. Baptised
Sikhs commit to not removing or cutting any form of bodily hair, to abstain
from using alcohol, tobacco or other intoxicants, adopt a vegetarian lifestyle
and not commit adultery.
How is it celebrated?
Vaisakhi is all about community, progression and
celebration. The festival around the world is marked with processions known as
a nagar kirtan. These processions are led through streets, and religious hymns
from the Guru Granth Sahib (the Sikh holy book) are recited. In India the main
celebration takes place at Talwandi Sabo in Punjab. This is where Guru Gobind
Singh stayed for nine months, and where he completed the recompilation of the
Sikh holy book. Big celebrations are take place in Anandpur Sahib, the
birthplace of the Khalsa in 1699, and also at the Golden Temple in Amritsar.
How can I get involved?

Vaisakhi celebrations in London
(Picture: Getty Images)
There are many nagar kirtan events happening all
over the UK. In London there are activities taking place City Hall,
and there will be a mix of indoor and outdoor activities. In Birmingham there
is celebration taking place in Handsworth Park complete
with arts and crafts, an inflatable children’s play area and Sikh cultural
activities. There will also be celebrations taking place in all Sikh gurdwaras.